This trip to the states was a huge compilation of "firsts" for Elisa. It was a pretty eventful journey for her. Below, you can check out pictures of most of the "firsts" she experienced while in the states. The ones I don't really have pictures for still deserve quite a bit of recognition. They are: Elisa's first international trip/plane ride (the actual flying part), Elisa's first experience eating rice cereal (don't worry, I have it on video), Elisa's first Thanksgiving (she slept through it!) and Elisa's first roll-over (it happened so fast we weren't prepared to take a picture!).
Now on to the "firsts" that were documented!
This is the first meeting between Elisa and her younger cousin Dayton.
It took a couple of days, but they became quite fond of each other.
It took a couple of days, but they became quite fond of each other.