We invite you to join us in our adventures with our little one: watching her grow and discover.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Beach Vacation

This last week we were fortunate enough to spend a few days on a beach in the state just north of us. It was a blast! Elisa had been to the beach a couple of times before, but this was her first experience of actually getting down in the sand to play. She absolutely loved it! Although these photos don't do the experience justice, we hope you enjoy them.

Our hotel was down on the beach you see in this picture.

This is amazing!

Horray for the ocean!

Mommy and Elisa on the beach.

Watching the waves with Daddy.

Sand is so much fun!

I just destroyed Daddy's sand castle. What have you been doing?

I want to go surfing!

Family fun!

It is hard to pose for a photo op with all this sand distracting me!

I've gotta whale, dude.


Sleepy-headed after a lot of playtime on the beach.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Crawl and a Little Tooth!

Elisa has had some pretty significant changes in her life over the last few days. Last week she started crawling! She isn't all over the place quite yet, but she is exploring and going where she wants. She is pretty ambitious in her wanting to hold on to toys while she crawls. She still needs to practice a little before she can do that well.

We really felt that she has been teething and today we found it to be true. Elisa has a little tooth coming in! It is on the bottom in the front and from the looks of things it will have a neighbor before long. We can tell that both front teeth on the bottom will be in sometime soon. When they are visible I will be sure to post pictures.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

First Easter: Part II

Well, Elisa found out that the Easter Bunny came and left some eggs and some new books for her. She was so excited that she wanted to dress up for the occasion. The following pictures were all taken today, here at our house. I am positive that you will love them just as much as we do!

This is a picture of Elisa's Easter Nest.

Elisa is all dressed and ready for her first Easter!
She makes for a really cute and happy bunny rabbit...

First Easter: Part I

Jennifer's dad grew up with the tradition of making an Easter Nest the night before Easter Sunday for the Easter Bunny. So, we had Elisa out in the backyard last night making a nest with grass and leaves. It was pretty funny to see her work on her little nest. I will "post" more pictures tonight or tomorrow of Elisa's first Easter. Enjoy the pictures!

Cute Little Girl

Elisa is wearing her first hair barrette in these pictures! It was a big day! ;)

Monday, April 02, 2007

True Adventures

Well, the name of this blog is "the Adventures of the 'Little Missy'". So, we decided that is was time to kick up the adrenaline a notch or two.

True Adventure #1 (rating: PG-13 - scary situations)

It has been a normal part of the night routine for Elisa to wake up sometime between 3 and 4am for a snack. This might be what some would actually call "comfort food". We think that she only wanted to "snack" to know that we are there and that everything is okay. These snacks usually last only 10 minutes or so, but have been a burden to the joy of sleep. Anyway, a few nights ago Elisa called out "snack time". It was 3:30am. I got up and went to her room. I picked her up and carried her to her sleeping mother. I woke Jennifer and she maneuvered herself so that Elisa could lay between Jennifer and the edge of the bed (
foreshadowing here). I went back to sleep and I want to say that poor Jennifer did too, but I don't think she ever woke up to be able to go back to sleep.

After a few minutes we heard the worst sound ever (like a loud smashing). Elisa screamed and cried out and we both knew what had happened. She had rolled over, right off the bed and on to the hard wood floor, hitting her head. I freaked out. We both (Jennifer and I) started to cry as we knew that this was a scary and serious situation. Jennifer picked Elisa up and she stopped crying (not a good stop, a scary stop). I took Elisa from Jennifer as the crying started back up and we rushed to get clothes on and get out the door to the ER. The time was 3:45am.

We rushed through the empty streets of Porto Alegre to the hospital we thought we were supposed to go to. However, this particular hospital doesn't have pediatric care (go figure). So, we rushed off to another hospital that we felt better about. The time was approximately 4:20am.

We got to the second hospital and Elisa has calmed down considerably. We didn't know if this was good or bad. If she had a concussion we didn't want her to sleep. Needless to say, we were very worried. We rushed into this hospital's ER and told them the situation. They had us sign in and wait. Meanwhile, Elisa is waving at the technicians and talking in her baby talk. I still didn't know what to think, but I thought it was possible that she was alright.

The doc called us in. We explained that Elisa fell out of the bed and hit her head on the flood. She took one look at Elisa and asked, "Why are you here?" Elisa was just fine. She was playing and laughing and talking. She didn't have any marks or signs of a head injury.

We left and made it back home around 5:15am. We put Elisa back to bed (she fell asleep immediately). As we started to calm down and get ourselves settled we noticed that Jennifer has some magazines and a pair of rubber sandals on the floor on her side of the bed. We don't know for sure, but it seems possible that the "smash" we heard was the magazines and sandals breaking Elisa's fall. I think Elisa was asleep and the fall scared her into crying.

This experience inspired me to break her of her "snack" time each night. Thankfully, it only took one night. The first night she woke up and cried. I went to her and comforted her, letting her know that we were in the next room. I put her back down and she fell back asleep. Every night since she hasn't woken up. Instead, she has been sleeping until about 9am. Praise God! Praise him that she is healthy and well and that she is a good sleeper.

True Adventure #2 (no rating, just warning - deals with excrement!)

Today I went to get Elisa up from a nap. We had heard her for several minutes playing in her bed. When I took a look at her in her crib I was shocked to see that her diaper was only wrapped around one leg and that there was poop everywhere! It was in little balls all over the place! I yelled to Jennifer for reinforcements and then went in for a closer look. Upon lifting this poor child out of a pile of her one fical matter I noticed a little ball of poo stuck to the side of her face. "Nasty" is all I have to say about that one. All in all it was pretty easy to clean. It was just gross. I consider all of us lucky that the poop was in some serious ball shapes and it wasn't pasty. That would have been horrible!

Well, those have been the latest in what I am sure will be a long list of stories in the life of Elisa Lucena Terry. Stay tuned for more amazing "Adventures of the 'little missy'"!