We invite you to join us in our adventures with our little one: watching her grow and discover.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Watching in Amazement

After numerous viewings of the ultrasound video that we recently required it is really starting to hit me that we are having a little girl! Without a doubt, seeing our baby flip and turn about and make spacelike movements is the coolest thing I have ever seen. She looks tall. Her arms and legs are really long when she stretches out. Because the ultrasound is a type of x-ray you can clearly see her bones. It is easy to recognize all her fingers and toes. You can see the two bones in each of her forearms. Everything about this precious baby is wonderful. There are a few moments when she pokes her face up to the TV screen as if to say "hello!" At one point you can see one of her little ears! We have seen her open and close her mouth and make a grip with her little fists. I think the neatest thing we have seen her do is cross her legs at her ankles. Jennifer and I both cross our legs at our ankles when we sleep on our backs and when we are sitting. To see our baby do the same thing is amazing! During the ultrasound the doctor points out her kidneys, bladder, stomach, and heart; all of which are functioning perfectly. I am literally swept away by the awesome power of our Creator and the delicacy of our baby girl. I am really excited about being a father to this little person; helping her become who she will be in the future. I pray that God will give Jennifer and me patience,wisdom, strength and love. I know we have the latter for sure!

Anyway, I feel my self starting to ramble. Just wanted to share my thoughts on how amazing it is to watch our little girl. Can't wait to see her up close and personal. Just 4.5 more months!


Unknown said...

sweet! Congratulations Sascha. how exciting. I'm glad to be able to catch up with you through the blogosphere.

Bret Wells said...

That's awesome Sascha

Rachel and I are expecting our 2nd son any day now...well Rachel is on the any-minute-now schedule.

It's funny the way that all of those annoying parent cliches become accurate descriptions of all of us when its our turn!

I hope that you guys really enjoy this time and savor the blessing of living in an age when we can "watch" as God knits our baby together in the womb.

we pray God's richest blessings on your growing family.

Sascha Terry said...

Needless to say, we are pumped! It is really cool to be in an age when we can view the creation of our children. Right on!

Brooke, thanks for the sweet comment. I appreciate all the confidence so many of you have instilled in us.