We invite you to join us in our adventures with our little one: watching her grow and discover.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

36 Weeks

Today we made it to 36 weeks! It is hard to believe that soon we will meet our baby. We noticed yesterday that she has definitely "dropped" and is closer to being born. According to one source when the baby drops in the first pregnancy it is usually born between 2 and 4 more weeks. So, we should be meeting our baby between mid and late June - right on schedule! I am predicting that she will be born on June 18th.

BabyCenter.com says that our baby is still gaining weight. She is probably about 6 pounds and a little less than 19 inches long. At the end of this week she will be considered full-term. That is going to be a pretty amazing feat.

Jennifer is doing pretty well. She has been battling a cold, but is quite the trooper. I am amazed at how well she is doing. She is going to be such a great mommy!

Well, that is it for now. I will continue to post as often as I can. I am glad that I have finally been able to make this blog halfway decent with links and stuff (notice on your left). Feel free to browse.


Anonymous said...

yea! i just sent jennifer an email, and then i thought to check the blog. can't wait to hear all about your new daughter. you guys are going to be terrific parents! love, jenny (rich)

Sascha Terry said...

Thanks, Jenny. I am glad that I have readers again. Sorry it took so long to post something new.

kids said...

We can't wait to hear the news at the Ogrens!! I know you are counting the days. :-)

Praying for a safe delivery,

Tami & co.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the anatomy lesson in the 9-months picture on the front page... its always easier to imagine the neato but supremely messy miracle of child birth when there are wonderfully detailed pictures present!! just kidding, we're pumped for you guys...

Chris W.