We had an appointment with our OB on Tuesday. It went really well. She said that the baby has grown a lot and that she is pretty big. If she was good at making guesses she would say that the baby would be born this week. So far though, nothing. Jennifer hasn't had any contractions yet, but we are hopeful that the baby will want to come soon. We are currently at 38.5 weeks and are officially playing the "waiting game".
We have packed the bags and practiced the routes to the hospital. I made a cheat sheet of our Lamaze breathing techniques and Jennifer made a cheat sheet to covert the possible weight of the baby from kilograms/grams to pounds/ounces and her length from centimeters to inches.
The finishing touches (curtains) will be completed on the baby's room today. So, we literally are running out of things to do... except pace. Fortunately, the World Cup is on everyday so that keeps us a little occupied - that and work! It is cool to me that our baby will be born in Brazil during the middle of the World Cup. Brazilians are nuts during this event. Everything shuts down during a Brazil game; stores close, buses don't run, every city becomes a ghost town. The visit with the OB that I mentioned above had to be moved several hours so that it wouldn't conflict with the Brazil match that day! If I am right in my prediction about the baby's birth being this coming Sunday (18th) it will be on the day of Brazil's next game against Australia. Hope the doc can be pulled away from the TV!
Keep checking us for updates. I will do my best to keep you informed.