We invite you to join us in our adventures with our little one: watching her grow and discover.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Good Times with Jeff & Lindsey

This is the season of visitors for us. We have planned on receiving several friends and my parents over the next couple of months. The first of the wave of visitors was Jeff and Lindsey.

Jennifer and Lindsey were roommates at ACU for 3 and a half years and they were in each other's weddings. In fact, Jennifer went back to the U.S. for Lindsey's wedding after we had been living here for just 6 weeks.

Anyway, Lindsey and her husband Jeff came down for a couple of weeks and really blessed and encouraged us. Our family had a lot of fun showing them our city and introducing them to our friends. It means so much to us to have friends and family here. The experience that we hope they have is one that helps them relate to where we have been and what we have been doing. When we tell stories or mention someone from Brazil they will understand a little better what it is we are talking about. Unfortunately, Jeff had to head back to Denver after just a few days. However, Lindsey was able to hang out for an additional week!

Here are some fun pictures of our time with Jeff and Lindsey...

...at the artesian market.

...eating at one of our favorite restaurants.

...playing with Elisa.

...drinking Chimarrão!

1 comment:

laura jo said...

I'm so glad (and jealous!) that Jeff and Lindsey got to visit you! Looks like y'all had a great time. Jenny's really looking forward to her trip in a few weeks. I can't wait to see more pictures!!!