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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Foz do Iguaçu Vacation - Part III

Dani and Alexandre go to Paraguay; the Girls play with ducks and geese; and the 3 Borders (Day 5):

On Monday, Dani and Alexandre took advantage of our free babysitting services and went across the border into Paraguay to do some shopping. From what I understand the little town that they went to is the 3rd largest trade center in the world and the crowds are like being in Tokyo! That is crazy! Anyway, I pictured it like going over to Mexico to get some bargain purchases.

While they were gone Jennifer and I played with Elisa and Ana Luisa. We played peacefully in the hotel room for a little while...

... and then we ventured outside to play with the ducks and geese on the hotel grounds. The girls had a great time feeding the birds pieces of bread! We call Elisa a "silly goose" on occasion, so she has that word (and "duck") down pretty well. Both Ana Luisa and Elisa have good arms. They did a great job of giving the ducks and geese exactly what they wanted!

Ana Luisa with a little "Southpaw" action.

The goose spreading his wings was really dominate. I didn't like his attitude much. Check out Ana Luisa's face in this picture!

Videos always are so much fun. When it comes to little kids and animals you can't pass up sharing them...

Later in the day we went to see a landmark in the area. This is where the 3 borders of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina come together. It was pretty interesting to be at a place like that. Being from the U.S. this kind of experience is rare!

The daddies with their little girls.

In this video Jennifer shows you the monuments of each country...

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