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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"A Banjo on My Knee"

Just look at this little girl! Cuteness! The other day the Blumes loaned Elisa a little keyboard. She plays and plays with it. One of the features is to turn on the "demo" songs. When you do this you can hear a different song each time you strike a key. For instance, you may hear "Mary had a little lamb", "Happy Birthday to you", "Oh, Susanna", etc.

Jennifer and I started singing the songs along with the tune the keyboard was playing. When we got to "Oh, Susanna" Elisa went to the kitchen and got this Leap Frog toy (you can see a video of this toy here) off the refrigerator. At first we couldn't figure out what she was doing. Then it hit us...

"Oh, Susanna! Oh, don't you cry for me. Cause I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee." When you hit the little frog on this toy he says, "Hi, I'm Farmer Tad! Listen to my banjo!" Elisa was walking around holding her banjo on her knee! Hilarious!

1 comment:

Jennifer W said...

It appears as though your house is furnished with pint sized furniture of the primary and pastel variety. One might assume you have a child. That is one cute kid.