We invite you to join us in our adventures with our little one: watching her grow and discover.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Question Phase

Elisa is officially in the "question phase" of her young life. She doesn't do the "why?" thing yet, but I'm sure it is just around the corner. No, she is into knowing more about particular words. She is really trying to understand what it is to love and to have. Of course, she asks many other types of questions too, but these are the ones that stick out to me. The simplicity and preciousness of her questions make being patient really easy. Let me give you some lines of questions we have heard over the last few days.

Elisa: "Do you have toes, Daddy?"
Daddy: "Yes. I have toes, Elisa."

Elisa: "Do you love Raquel, Mommy?
Mommy: "Yes, Elisa. Mommy loves Raquel."

Elisa: "Do you love bananas, Daddy? MMMMMM!"
Daddy: "Yes. Daddy does love bananas."

Elisa: "Do you love buses, Mommy?"
Mommy: "No. Mommy doesn't really love buses."

Elisa: "Do you have shoes, Daddy?" (as she points to the shoes I am wearing)
Daddy: "Yes, I have shoes. Does Elisa have shoes?" (no reply)

Elisa: "Mommy, do you love boots?"
Mommy: "Yes! Mommy loves boots!"

Elisa: "Daddy, do you have a beard, Daddy?"
Daddy: "Yes. Daddy has a beard."

These are just a few of the many examples I could give. I think that she knows the answers to these questions (or most of them at least), but really wants to work some things out. She keeps showing us how smart she is by retaining a lot of what we tell her. Being 2 years old is tough, I'm sure, but she is doing a great job!

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