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Monday, August 11, 2008

Dodói (Ouchy)

Elisa hurt her little toe on her right foot pretty good today. Fact is... she dropped a brick on it! We have a decorated brick that we use as a doorstop for Elisa's room. While Jennifer was preparing Elisa's bath Elisa was up to no good (she is two, ya know!). Anyway, Jenn saw that Elisa was walking around with the brick and she went after her to intercept it. Before Jennifer could catch up to Elisa there was a thud and a loud scream/cry. The brick hit the little toe and the area between it and the toe next to it. Jennifer called me and I raced home to possibly take Elisa to the Emergency Room.

Before I got home Elisa was done crying. She was able to tell me all about the brick "jumping" and her "dodói" ("ouchy" in Portuguese) on her little toe "right there". We ended up taking her to a really good clinic and had x-rays taken. There is no break, but she did get her little foot wrapped. She screamed a lot during the x-ray and while she was with the doc. She isn't a big fan of medical staff.

I have to say that Elisa was a trooper through the whole thing. She doesn't really cry due to pain, just when she gets scared, so it is hard to know how much it hurts. She is getting around and acting like the only thing slowing her down is the bandage. Anyway, it made the day a little out of the ordinary. Here are a couple of pictures of the banged up Elisa and the culprit.

I think that it is interesting how it is her toe that is hurt, but her foot is wrapped. I don't know...

The infamous brick.


Anonymous said...

oh man, i can just picture the whole thing going down.... maybe some buttons would cheer her up. :)

Jennifer W said...

That is one very pretty but very mean brick. I bet it saw her toes just sitting there and jumped right out of her hand. Stupid bricks, they don't know anything. Hope that fake bandage is helping her heal lightening quick. ;)