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Friday, August 29, 2008

New Passport

Today we went to the Federal Police to pick up Elisa's new Brazilian passport. It is pretty cool that she has duel citizenship. She has both an American and Brazilian passports and birth certificates. After 2 years the Brazilian passport expired, which makes sense. Her infant picture is so cute in the first passport, but you can't really recognize her in the picture today. The new passport has her in her little pigtails. Really cute, but it was a challenge to get the picture just right.

It is neat to me that our little girl has already needed a passport and will have been on 5 international flights (Brazil to US to Brazil) before her 3rd birthday. We already have a world traveler on our hands!

1 comment:

Kim Hodges said...

Did she have to have her mouth closed? I had a friend who recently had to get a passport for her 4-yr-old. She told him to hum a song while she took the picture!